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Humanity appears to be obsessed with immortalizing themselves in some manner, as if ensuring some thing exceeds their lifespan would mean that their life was worth living, and not a waste. The punchline comes when one can realize that the mere exhibition of their existence is all that matters to be worthy, to have a life worth living is merely to live.

The breathe in, the exhale, each moment of stimuli, thought, perception, is all that matters to immortalize you in the record of this plane. Wasting your energy in ensuring something surpasses your lifespan is a swift and simple way to ensure you wish away the very lifespan you work to immortalize in the first place.

Toil in the meadows, sing the song, learn the game, and play it like no other. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, so eat. Fine dining at its best, explore, adventure, and most of all: laugh. For if the world has zero evidence of your existence by the end of it all, then you have done better than those who have, for rather than erect a statue to the grandeur that was your life, you merely went about it and lived it to the fullest. Be here now, there is zero better places to be, and its all that is.
