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Focus and attention are sources of wealth when used intentionally. To effectively improve the quality of time spent in something, compare focused effort to alternative. In one, the mind scatters every so often, losing the plot of what it was that the vessel was doing… In the other? Locked in, all in, and learning, doing, being, and any other -ing to this context.

The quality of time spent is far more effective than the quantity of time. Simply put, less hours of focused intentional effort or presence beats more hours of loose-minded distracted effort (or the lack thereof).

This applies to work, and in creating relationships with others, in that a weekend spent being completely present and authentic, vulnerably you, will bring you closer to a person than months to years of the slow-burn distracted opposite.

So, learn to cultivate the ability to focus on a specific task, as if your gaze would burn a hole in whatever it is aimed toward, as if you are the sun and the focus is the magnifying glass that poses such destructive (and constructive) capabilities. Meditate, go through the day’s memory. Begin setting timers for work, in which it is only you and the work and begin to slowly increase the period of focus, from 5 minutes to 10, 15, to 50 or more.