A reminder for when the bias and irrationality of the mind finds its way to construct unrealistic and unreasonable perceptions of other parts of the whole (individuals). That even the most attractive of the opposite sex has troubles, issues, and the like. That even the most perfect model could have eating disorders and body dysmorphia, that even those who appear with such utterly ‘perfect’ lives face depressive habits and episodes of severe emotion. Appearances tell little of the authentic persona one sees, this is especially prominent with celebrities and the likes of.
A part of the search for love and companionship is to find someone for whom we can be completely authentic and vulnerable, never needing to keep up appearances. Remember this, for it applies to you where you are, those above you (in terms of currency) and also those below you. Human nature remains consistent with and without added material resources, if anything it is only amplified. The actor who cannot stop playing the part, kept in the cage of the personality that the world has seen once and now come to expect.
Test your biases, and recognize that behind the irrational judgement that is made automatically… there is just another human living a human life. As a wise man once said: regardless of race, religion, color, creed. That handsome man or attractive woman are living their human lives, another human being, treat them as such. As to treat them how you would care to be treated. This tired and wringed out truism applies to the world in such a way that it describes the paradox of service to others through loving yourself. To the extent that you love yourself, is that what you can accept as love, as also give in love.