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The court’s jester is of the utmost importance within a social atmosphere. To laugh with zero consequences at the several idiosyncrasies that make up the current social convention, government, and recent events. To absolve one of the abject seriousness that many bring to their lives is such a value in the modern world that comedians (or jesters) are so often sought out. Why in most social gatherings, he who can provoke the most laughter is the most prized.

That in order to be flirtatious and within the bounds of courtship, one must be fun and witty, mostly to say the least. Just as it is freeing to laugh at the comedy that is everyday life, many relish this as they themselves have yet to find that they can do it for themselves. The skill of being able to laugh at oneself when they begin to learn, or better known as: making mistakes. Is the most valiant weapon in the arsenal of character that has unshakable confidence in self.

Laughter is essential, for if you are to take matters so seriously, then you are to allow the events of this plane to further impact you. Laugh, jest, and smile within what could be a concentration camp, for then you are truly free. Free of mind. For within your locus of control, sits your mind, your actions, and your demeanour in the wake of all those things.

You can also be the jester, if only for yourself, then that is enough.
