Oh and indeed! How it is to observe one’s vessel when deprived of one of the core tenets, be that sleep, food, water, or shelter. How the day can go as if swimming through honey, how so easily we allow ourselves to fall in the pitfalls of emotions such as frustration, anger, sadness. That once any of these (as perceived to be) ‘minor’ tenets are violated, how swiftly one must hold tighter to the control of their mind.
So in this, learn to fast and do so safely, food, water, and sleep. Optimally, the vessel has all these things in plentiful supply. When you are met with a day where the case is less, steady your mind, and apply patience, how you feel is rarely a justification for rash outburst and reaction.
Take stead instead within that all is provided. God works in ways that are better left to experience, for to sully such would be to lower the being that is. Those that go looking for an opportunity, a grateful outcome, or otherwise, tend to find it. The vice versa also being the case, trouble is found just as quickly.
Gratitude is potent in the face of obstacles and hardship. Apply it, “Thank you for xyz”, for there is far more to be grateful for than meets the eye. And it takes only looking, to find it.