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Language is the arbitrary and abstract tool created to convey the otherwise energetic thoughts and feelings that one has, to another. Within which it is so heavily ingrained that often it replaces those energetic thoughts. The language we speak out, is a reflection of the language spoken within, as such, our words are spells. Just the same that thought patterns directly affect the external circumstance, if at a minimum: the feeling and disposition brought to it.

Speak the spells that reflect the life you’d have if improved. Absolve to remove the incarnations that oppose how you wish to be. Love, peace, that which constructs. The brain knows little in difference between humor or sarcasm, in comparison to truth. In that which is said in jest is most often taken as truth to the heart.

Become clear on the narrative you assign to yourself, test those perceptions. For spells that cut you down, do so through a crack in that narrative. Had one called another a goat, when it is far obvious that is further from such truth, then one is left free of suffering. If a spell hurts, question as to why, break it down and find the root cause. Better to solve and diffuse it now, then to stay stuck in old ways.

Change is the force for chaos, chaos is the subjective clause given to one who lacks perspective. Chaos is robust, robust is long-lasting.

Change and improve, face such darkness within yourself, for the sooner you surmount it, the sooner you find solace. Love the self.
