Many find it difficult to trust this new feeling or even to find it in the first place. In these cases what we find is one who has suppressed their true emotions, feelings, and/or thoughts habitually until an almost chronic state. Whether this is borne of upbringing, or built from the backs of many failures and betrayals, expression is ideal. Suppression is a flight or fight response. A process built by the body to protect temporarily against threats of measure. Responses such as these are meant to save the body as a last resort, as processes will generally leave the body in a worsened state, however, still alive. Those for whom suppress tend to find themselves stuck, trapped, broken, and numb. The simple diffusion for this process, is to allow oneself to express.
Expressions of passion and emotion can be said to objectively cause greater chaos than the unfeeling numbness of suppression. Expression creates chaos (perceived chaos or irrationality) for the return of feeling that it brings to your reality, this is to be expected and welcomed, for it is the trophy of transferring the storm within one, to the external. Where it can disperse. Those for whom suppress are likened to a boiling kettle at or beyond capacity: some hot water (amplified emotions) will get out and cause far more havoc.
Once again, there is a fine line between expressing oneself, and placing all emotions and feelings on an external being, or object.
This is given to be used in conjunction with:
- extreme responsibility for self
- the ability to make radical change,
- and to provide consistent effort in all of the above.