Action is the necessary component to change and manifestation. Thought is to be the spark that lights the keg of action from which all else can flow. Even so, often it is action that brings more to thought, a feedback loop.
With this, motivation then is a matter of action, to be or feel motivated, simply take action. Any action at all in the direction you wish to go, the action of least resistance can be used to leverage the rest.
It is designed this way and as this is so, it is quite fortunate. For if mere thought could bring this about, then the journey and enjoyment of life would dwindle rapidly. It is within the hardship, sacrifice, practice, and eventual achievement that bring the cycles of life from which enjoyment and contentment flourish.
Disposition in the manner is integral to such components to construct you, those that find themselves depressed and beaten down, have simply taken the game too seriously. As the child for whom begins to wail while losing within a video-game, the same is seen here. Instead, laugh and rejoice in the lessons, for the levels become second nature, and the player (you) levels up with it all.
Meditate and take action.