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Authenticity. The means of portraying oneself as they truly are in regard to the mind. To be authentic is to throw away the care for walking the ‘politically correct’ tightrope, ensuring to your expressions that you are well away from the bounds of being ‘offensive’. Simply put, to feel offended is a choice, an active decision on the party for whom now may express as such. Then, it is outside the locus of control for the ‘offender’, and thus is a moot point in hiding.

To express authentically is to express in a polarizing manner, in which one pushes many away, and brings the few ever so closer. It is these few in which one can form bonds built with the authentic persona, in which conversation is open and words are rarely measured to ensure the ‘social’ convention that would preclude such relationships otherwise. It is far healthier and far more constructive to have relations that do away with typical ‘kept at arm’s length’ interactions. Energetically, building a support group and a network through which all is possible is far greater in healing and working with the soul, and the world soul.

Divided, all falls, and together? All rises. Cultivate a circle that you can trust, where you can authentically be you, surrounded by unconditional love. Love and be loved and do so while exploring this world. This world with so many obstacles to overcome, games to play, and journeys to be made.

The first step is authenticity. Confidence in your authentic self comes from unconditional love and acceptance of self (which includes all else).
