Heat contracts, cold dilates or expands. Stand near a bonfire and recognise the feeling as you near the flames, the skin and body contracts with heat, less in the biological sense and more so in the feeling of being compressed by the heat. Try the cold now and feel the expansion within the feeling when faced with it. Intriguing as heat would dilate the biological mechanisms of the body to become warmer, and cold would constrict or contract such mechanisms to retain heat.
Universally, there is an inverse to all that exists, from this one may derive the inherent balance of God, what is seemingly chaos, is more a matter of perspective. A living breathing energy in which all is met to equate to a net of zero. Beautiful.
A reminder then, that in the greatest depths of despair, there now exists the greatest heights of elation. For every fluctuation in feeling, every setback in progress, and for every mistake, there is the inverse, the complementary push forward, and the new learning.
That all is synonymous, for which one can only live with the other, for without either would mean the loss of balance.