It is your sole responsibility to work toward the capacity and potential of your vessel, mind, and spirit. For if one comes to fall prey to a situation in which they have zero training in, then it is their sole responsibility of what comes out of that situation. You are responsible for what you have yet to learn. As a wise man once said: it costs you a million dollars minus your annual income a year to continue to be ignorant of how to make a million dollars.
It is rarer for a trained person to falter in a situation they had specifically trained for. Preparation to face the perceptive ‘chaos’ of everyday life is recommended. The lack of knowledge within all things that may affect and pertain to you, is your responsibility.
Extreme accountability involves this and as such provides a framework from which one can begin to create and learn new skills from a place of ensuring their ability to carry out the responsibilities before them.
This involves exercise, meditation, etc. It is the practice of accepting the need to learn a new skill once it is found or confronted, and then going to learn it.
Learn it well.