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It is then within this that one must be careful. Channel the sexual prowess the sexual energy toward goals of greater pleasure and wealth. As a man your semen is your chi, an energetic exchange when used, an exchange of love and oneness. There are energetic domains to sexual encounters, the bible speaks of ensuring celibacy until marriage. This is ideal. On the one hand, the celibacy ensures the continued amass of sexual energy, ensuring the lack of exchange until the one partner is found. Then, to exchange as such in becoming one in love. On the other hand, such ensures that the Christian man will have locked down a large distraction within the lives of most men. Chasing women is such a time sink, that it would be better to build the nest of wealth so to speak and await the wife for you.

In regard to the female counterpart of this, regardless of the energetic exchange of ejaculation, ensuring your sexual energy is powered and directed toward other goals leads to a brilliant flow of energy in a direction of your choosing. It is focus and clarity that aide in the use of power, for one can be all-powerful and yet if directed everywhere at once, it shall go amiss. Just as the leaf burns under the focused beam of sunlight through the magnifying glass, the goals, ambition, and objectives of all are powered through by the directed and focused beam of energy.

In such a state, culminating the ability to focus at will is important to say the least. Meditation for this: as to recount one’s day, or to focus solely on breathing, 5 seconds in, 5 seconds out. Allowing any thoughts that arise to be acknowledged and left to their own devices. Learn to focus at will and see how far you can go.

If one lacks focus, they find that all is difficult, none is well, and achievement sours incredibly. To strip one of this focus is to strip them of their useful power, stay aware of this when it comes to dopamine hacks and attention scattering substances and habits. Social media, scrolling through videos on videos, and the like allow the brain to live thousands of contexts in the span of a few seconds. Biologically, a larger portion of the motivating factors of movement and achievement come from the imagined new experiences of new contexts. To achieve is to achieve a new context, say if such were possible with little pain and suffering, little work, and focus, is to then see how simply the will and drive to focus and achieve objectives is floated and ultimately destroyed. Be aware. Use discernment.
