Then it is simple. Do the actions that apply and leverage you toward the direction for which you have chosen. Continue to do these actions consistently, constantly, and overtime watch all this extra ordinary work become extraordinary. Why is this repeated? Why is it so overlooked?
The secret sauce comes from living life in the present and doing these actions. Begin.
Working hard is better than staying in the rut of wanting to change. Desire with a lack of action amends a deal to allow the circumstances for sadness and frustration… Desire with action creates flow.
Flow allows for contentment, peace through action, a level of bonding with the world soul that many attempt to shortcut through the use of opioids and the like. To escape the rut, simply do. It is less a ‘do better’ and more simply that when you feel against doing an action that you know you should do… it is when you force yourself to do it, amending that there is zero justification that prevents it otherwise.
Flow and see.