When the ruling facet is overcome by the animalistic self, remind yourself of who is truly in control. Lust and the like are fueled by the animalistic shadow of consciousness, the ravaging component that makes up the desire to reproduce. Tame the animal, there is a better use for reproduction when it is with a compatible partner. Within the life, values, and beliefs that make up your significant other, is the larger fraction that decides the upbringing for your children, and the life lived with one another too.
Lust brokers a fight or flight method of attack: anything will do, anything at all so long as it accomplishes xyz. This provokes rash behavior, if one is prey to their impulses, then one is destined to fall.
Apply an objective framework to a potential partner. Weigh the pros and cons, leave all stones turned, you will soon be in a different emotional state in respect to this person or extenuating circumstances, and as such an objective view before polarizing action is taken ensures the best decisions (and their consequences) find you when your feelings change.
Use discernment.