Observation and the field of your view is the world to which is constructed for you. Once you look away, there is zero guarantee that it’ll be the same or even there when you look back. Reality is a constant cycle of creation and destruction, the transference and actualization of beyond trillions of energetic transactions and dynamics. The smallest and most subtle change in the observer creates consequences beyond the view of the one who caused them. With this, recognizing your ability to observe is one of the most potent and powerful actions you can fathom. Furthermore, your ability to discern in your observations allows a powerful control over the reality you experience.
Think of this reality as a maze, with a limitless number of corridors and ways to go, discernment is a choice in path, and the ability to see the beacon shining in the center. It is a skill like all things, and thus lapses in judgement are to be accepted and taken in stride. Practicing discernment is as simple as being present and intentionally reviewing your reality, accepting, loving, and blessing all that is to be observed. To sit and take it all in and then decide, choose what you pay most attention to, learn to focus and to do so bluntly without apologies.
Cutting through the noise is an active effort, finding signal is the objective. Once the signal is found (discernment) cultivate it and move towards it within this maze of ‘opportunity’ that we dub as reality.