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Sit in discernment when it comes to psychological diagnoses. What occurs within the mind is under your domain and under your control. Simple as that. Recognize that anxiety is the tendency to fall into a habitual thought pattern which brings out psychosomatic responses in the physical vessel. Depression is once more a thought pattern bundled with a clear signal that something needs to change. This is less to demean such ‘conditions’, and more so to bring back extreme accountability.

A version of you who knew less got you into a state and habitual actualization that is now characterized by a label bestowed upon you. This diagnosis can be the wake-up call to re-wire and fix such patterns of thought and lifestyle OR can be the word and concept to which you hide behind. Meekly playing a victim’s mindset toward the rest of your life.

Extreme accountability coupled with unconditional self-love brings you to take action in a multitude of steps.

Firstly, love and accept the person who has evolved and changed and moved through every moment that has led up to this.

Secondly, say it to yourself right now and whenever the victim mind speaks: “I love and accept myself.”

Thirdly, cement within your mind, that it is curable. What occurs in the mind can be fixed by the very plane that it ails upon. A bullet wound in the body can be healed by the body. A hole of depression in the mind can be healed by the mind. There is a way, there is a process, and you get to embark upon it.

Apply a framework: what if you are given more than one of these victim labels?

Symptomatic suppression of ailments that can be fixed if addressed properly end only in more suppression until the cyclical habitual construction of a victimized mind screams out in an action such as suicide.

Address the root cause. Take responsibility for the signal and sign that something needs to change. Research and investigate what can be done for it. Symptom suppression is the equation of emotional suppression: both end in the lowest energetic frequency.

It can be cured, it can be beat, and it can lead you to living a better life sooner than before.

Accept the sign as a gift. For the man who lives in the minimal of both good and bad, will never move; always complacent. He who lives in the extremities of one, will take action to change it.

Use discernment.