So why is it then that we feel we are destined for so much more? Why is it that within the quiet movement of this reality we feel unstoppable, that each and every thing is within reach… and all it takes a the slightest lean and such power is unleashed?
How is this so possible? When just before we had felt so hopeless and cast aside by the governor of this plane?
Recognize that as with all things, this ebbs and flows, that this glimpse at the better self is cyclical in its nature. Beyond all other mental capacity for belief, one must be tethered to you for your success and love: the simple belief in you.
That the self is capable of all things, that you are capable of all things. It is in the times of hardship and confusion that you must remind yourself that you are cyclical, that the way reveals itself with action. Action, driven from the intention of the belief in self. This and more, you can have, so as simply to ask.
Ask, and as you ask, do. It is the horse that walks toward the very water it prayed for, that lives. Stuck between here and there praying for there leaves a fruitless state. Action is the key here, for everything. Anything, and all the things.
Subject yourself to action, the simple construction of a new skill, the simple conversion of an old habit to a new. There is little remaining to learn that is out of reach with action.