At the centre of the universe, we find enlightenment, or the apparent self-existence of existence. Since the former has little words to describe, one may use self-love to substitute. To the metaphysical nature, each atom and frequency buzzes with excitement, in a melody that stretches the material domain to an extent known to a few. To have God experiencing themselves in the manner of the many souls combined is to speak of the ultimate self-love. That the dawn of creativity and the construction in execution leaves testament to the brilliance of one’s ability to project their innermost self toward the canvas of this planet at the very least. Self-love is the key to most problems and the large buffer to rest. It would be wise to continually cultivate it.
In the time between adventures enjoy the comforts of quiet and take that opportunity to solve the more so trivial obstacles of the life. You have all the time in the world to do exact as you are, it is a matter of taking that quality in a vice grip and remind oneself that you can get it all done. One must simply have faith. Move smoothly, rushing makes mistakes. Practice provides the limit to which one can fall, ensure it is higher for you, you do have the potential for it. Take care and take it in stride, for this is the time and the life of your lives.
So at the end of the day, it is the relationships one cultivates and the understanding that life moves forward at rates we seldom decide to notice. That as we move within the present we begin to construct and ever-increasing map of connections and energy that we draw ourselves with. Some may go off on their own adventures and some may take you with them, it is okay, breathe and let them flow in and out of your life. What is meant for you will find you for it is written in the very soul that experiences it. Hold true to this understanding and remind yourself that you too are on an adventure, and that some parts will have more people than others, to the ultimate end that together we all thrive.
Many can take excitement for nervousness, such that the flutter in their stomach brings them the opportunity of minor dread. Differentiation between the two comes simply from recognising if one is feeling fear toward the outcome/projected event. If so, then it may be a level of nervousness, otherwise it is excitement. Intriguing how the same physiological response from the body can form entirely different outputs from the consciousness. In the same way, one must be prepared to allow their feelings to exist with acknowledgement while holding the objective notion of their tilt. That even with excitement or nervousness, the outcome matters only to this specific thing, or that there is a backup plan. Where feelings can often provide the opportunity to spiral, it is to our duty to instil these objective blocks to ensure we stay experiencing just the one at that time.
Missing someone or something is to discuss the wanting for something to be near to us. To put ourselves in a context that involves that or whom to which we are missing is commonly consorted with the likes of wishing away the present and moving haphazardly toward the idea of the missing. It is fully possible to miss someone or something and still sit content with the current state of affairs. Shifting from the ‘I must move toward this to have this and only this’ and into the ‘This is to be in my future, let us enjoy now with the utmost faith and excitement for it’. One misses them, as in they wish their presence with them, if one can sit content that this too, is soon to pass into the present, then they can miss them with love and joy and happiness. Eager to share their life with them in this upcoming context and at peace with living that description in the time between. Faith solves wishing toward something and attempting out of the present, keep it.
Overwhelm is beaten with presence and planning. Projection is beaten with humility. Anger is released when one realises it is a tool. Many ailments of the current age are solved within the teachings of old. Where the physical effort required to live actually provided the community something to live for. Effort is ideal, it is healing, and it builds fortitude and focus. Focus breeds progress and progress serves the future and the present all in one. Doing the work is part of the process, it is okay to work hard, it is only a matter of ensuring that it is the correct work for progress. That comes with time, and time spent working.
In efforts of conflict to which the outcome has already passed with little issue on your behalf, seek solace and forgiveness. It is trivial in manner and the sooner it can be resolved the quicker the parties are back to the more ideal nature of humanity: contentment. The peace is kept through boundaries, and when one is able to compromise to a win-win, it is in their vested interest to do so. Overall, one seeks the social aspect and thrives when it thrives. The composition of the tribe we pick greatly affects the outcome of our vision and trajectory, one could say that the other flows from the former, it is a cycle nonetheless. Seek peace, and be able and willing to go to war.
When we fall, we remind ourselves that there is more to be honed. More to be harnessed within our psyche, that the current trepidation is a machination of our own invention. It takes the imbued faith of the desperate and negative to seed another step to trip. Harness the cyclical nature of emotional opportunity and make better decisions. One can feel upset and can feel down while remaining content with their life overall. Regret poses the notion of difference, and it seeks to move where we have yet to find ways to. Better to stay present and move forward, some things are fixed through full commitment to the bit, through full commitment to what it is you are doing now. A portrait can be fixed with more paint, and so can most and maybe all those notions of moving backwards.
Slumber is then the time allotted to succumb to our mental clean-up processes and dreams. To emotionally register and sort all the contexts that have been experience since the last accounting session. While sleep can be said to be an enigma, one thing is thus far consistent: it is well worth the time spent in it. The rest rejuvenates for the following contexts, as if emptying some of the mental baggage that we decide to carry throughout the waking period. It is in the best interest of your productive output and ability to handle life to sleep. What can sometimes be dubbed as depression or anxiety can also be symptoms of a poor sleep schedule, if any at all. Mental health improves with sleep, and so does everything else. Get the number necessary at minimum, and then get after the day.
Use your time for work, for work. Your time for play, for play. Your time for sleep, for sleep. Life begets life with focus. Concentration provides the basis for attention, and attention runs the world. Should one apply their attention to the task at hand, such task would be sooner complete and their movement to the next item on the agenda would be well-won. Rather than spending the time for the task meandering upon many tasks, they can get the time they wish in all tasks by simply focussing on each in turn, solely and only as the task is at hand. Focus is the decider between many, and what one requires in their corner for their swift victory. Distraction can be done, only in the time it is allotted. Encroaching upon that which has waited its turn is a sure-fire way to move still, fast.
Many ask in moments of negative multitude: “why now?”. The victims ask “why me?”, and the adults speak “Thank you, let’s get started”. Better to have one big battle every once and a while, than the equivalent spread across many battles many times. Given, there are instances to which the biology prefers the latter and still the mind lends itself better to the former. All at once means you are in for an easier season following it, gratitude that you are afforded the gift of one dragon now and saved from a horde of bats. Once ‘disaster’ strikes we go straight to gratitude, and then one allows themselves the time to form a plan of solution. Whether the one in question is processing the emotional onslaught they have chosen to feel heavily dictates the speed to which the dragon is vanquished. Less to say that such processing is hindering, and more so that all emotions must be processed, whether now or later. Build the plan and sit with it objectively, subject to you and away from tilt. Realise that the dragon is easily beatable so long as you stick to your guns, remain calm, and swing out just as you’ve done before.
As we move across this grid of potentia, these dots of decision, we construct the otherwise “random” path of life, fated to pass through the dot that signifies the projected decision from the past. Empowered through trust, faith, and gratitude to your universe, the matters of every dot between is at the whim of itself and the maker, none of it stays relevant so long as the fated dot is crossed. This construction of time is of the one-dimension and of the singular. Imagine each person has hundreds or thousands of grids that they move through with a fated dot decided, and then imagine each cluster in a 3D space to be able to interact with other clusters at the right dot in the right sequence. That is called co-creation. These grids of decision-making form complex shapes and interactions with one another, until such a design can be seen only in part. A large separator then that God can see it all and is in it all, every possibility, able to move up the path and see every outcome to that dot’s decision.
So then imagine a grid of dots, each dot represents a decision one can make, as they make a decision all the dots on the same line disappear and that is the decision made. Fixed. All potential decisions, or potentia, unlock new sets of decisions to be made. One’s life could then be visualised by a pencil drawing a line through many dots and constructing a shape, this line is fixed, it is done, and all the pencil can do is continue to draw forward. In the fate of things, one could say is to look back up and follow the line. In free will, one decides, and the line is drawn and then they decide again with another part drawn. So on and so forth until they have reached the point of focus, from there they choose again. The point of focus is fate, chosen freely, and then the how, or way/journey to get there is freely taken on it’s own God-given path.
In the debate of fate and free will, many falter. Where the idea of God’s plan is meshed with the loss of responsibility if that is absolution, there must be a way to operate with both. Sin is necessary to the polarity of good. So, if every sin is God’s plan, then how does that figure as a loving God of all? One could profess sadism and masochism toward a god of such ideal. The trick is both, and perspective. The matter of time is mostly lost from relevance in terms of practicality. The present is within our grasp only, the past a memory, and the future only probabilistically predictable. In the present we can make decisions upon which the next present is impacted, thus the ever-continuing context of life is at the whim of our creative power.
Allow the mind to conjure the fantasy. Allow the consciousness to speak of greener lands in which to notice all the details of life. These fantasies are and can be possible far more than you may decide to think. While many ideas stay as they are, it is necessary to have them as from the many a select few can be executed. The fantasies allow one to explore potential options, so let them be. Work with them and discern where and why they are like that, whether they would objectively serve you. Bring confidence in the future steps of your existence here, through the confidence in yourself and the faith that you achieve and live out exactly as you allow yourself to be.
This is seen rather often too, when one fails to respect themselves through their lack of boundaries. Or their lack of decisiveness in enforcing those boundaries. It is better to be polarising in some respect to gain that respect. One can play their cards close to chest, so long as when they must respect themselves, they do so immediately and matter of fact. To enforce the boundary, one simply states what is. There is zero room for compromise on some boundaries and this must the shown with past-tense goodbyes or better rectifies. Stick to your guns, they do tend to help In this wild land.
In the persona we discuss, we look for nuance. The subtlety that demonstrates a penchant to match and fulfill the better forms of dialogue in reply to our actions. It is necessary to building deeper and far more meaningful relationships. Whether romantic or friendly, the need to act ruthlessly with boundaries and casting choices for the people in your life is also necessary. Ruthless and strict in the opting out of their application for you, one can still give chances and be all-round nice, it is once that it is clear they are meant for another play that you then kindly and swiftly move them onto their next big thing.
Sharing a meal provides the simplest form of vulnerability. To openly expose oneself from a biological behavioural perspective and allow the other to possibly attack. It is to bond over the very thing that provides the continued life of many, nutrients or otherwise. This is inherently known and mostly just acted upon with little idea as to why. Many open their hearts for a potential partner through inviting them to grab drinks or share a meal, this comes with the opportunity to talk and discuss existence leading up to that point. A quick refresher that serves to provide both parties the information necessary as to whether they can objectively move forward. To then go on and discuss anything as to discern one’s persona and decide upon whether that is acceptable moving forward. Rather intriguing how the theatre plays two roles so separate for so long, only to allow snippets of dialogue to turn into a sharing of the heart.
The camaraderie of a night out with friends upon which you all enjoy the adventure of a common goal is matched only to the bond of family. Cooperation is a major aspect of the human experience and derives from the main motive to togetherness and understanding that the faculties for language urge. This act of co-creation seeds several opportunities for happiness and joy that all up tell the simple story that others, and our service for them and with them, drive some of the most meaningful parts of the very life we have chosen to lead.
A common response to overwhelm involves the mostly passed over tertiary of the trio in systematic human responses, freeze. Fight, flight, and freeze. Where freeze is to shut down an curl up in a ball, playing dead to hopefully stave off a predator. It is interesting that such a response has existed given that in most part, predators that would be chasing the ancient man, would be doing so to eat him. Either way, just as we have traded spears for guns, we have traded lions for modern-day problems like deadlines and job interviews and family dinner. The problem itself can be objectively less lethal than its originally constructed means, and can still pose the same response to the same stress level as facing a lion in the wild. Freeze can occur when one faces a perceived mountain of work and effort, instead of beginning one step at a time, they freeze in progress or place, can curl up into a ball, and even go so far as to destructively reduce the number of hours they foresee spending on the pile via methods far less ideal. To combat freeze, one must breathe. Breathing is the link between the automatic and intentional/manual responses of the body. Breathe and begin to work with it objectively, seek support or at the very least play the devil’s advocate in the direction of progress. Construct bite-sized steps, and then execute on the new plan rather than the life itself.
There are repeated instances to which one’s attempt to move to a quieter spot with limited use of their phone leads comes with the sudden influx of messages and notifications. All which seemed far less previously. While this may be a perception, it is a good practice to learn the restraint of relaxation. That in staying strong in your exploit, you teach the monkey brain that I can sit still and enjoy itself with little need for the dynamic and colourfully seductive allure of a phone screen. The emergencies and urgencies are more often distractions and false flags held to incentivise a faster handling. Use discernment and enjoy the rest.
In the efforts of each day, seek solace in the high, and leave little room for rash decisions in the low. The low brings a vortex, a flurry of emotional decisions that can have one attempting to rationalise a sordid decision based upon any number of immediate thoughts. While one may have these thoughts, it is better to remember that they represent their soul an selves, and that thoughts are an occurrence mostly separate from a self. Use the highs to construct the optimism necessary to build life with bigger and better things.
Upon the discovery of the feedback loop that is the vocabulary, thoughts, and verbalisations, one can simply begin to find where they can adjust either of the three to get a better lifestyle. Thoughts are a product of context, and more specifically, the interpreted context as found through our repeated sayings of anything and everything. For this reason, self-defamation jokes hurt the inner-psyche and feed on the cycle to form more thoughts of the same kind which in turn adjusts the way we talk, and the vocabulary used to refer to ourselves. What was merely an innocent joke to begin with, turns into social anxiety and a supreme lack of self-confidence. Adjustments to either of the triad are, as most things, done so accidentally and with little clue as to what the fallout will be. A large component of life comes from these three, and so when many speak affirmations into the mirror and tote upon new mantras, it is an effort to adjust the thoughts and inner-vocabulary. It all begins with intentioned effort.
Savour the last few moments of the current thing. Whether that be an arrangement of some kind or the repeated event over a set course of time, there is something in the end of things that brings a wild beauty. Beautiful for it has lived and expressed and held as special for it expires too. That which is always there, will more often be taken as granted, it is the time imposed upon the thing that decides how it shines and of course, how rare it really is. So in any bout of existentialism, or otherwise the begrudging of apathy, seek instead to note on the beauty of existence for the time given.
There is a moment between the reception of input, and the ‘resultant’ chosen output. That upon the context of a frustrating customer, or rather upset friend, our decision to how we respond is just that: our decision. The difference between people and people when cooler heads prevail, is simply that the time between input and output is larger. The longer one has to decide upon something up to a point, the better their answer or output may be. Just like more immediate triggers, one can forge new triggers that are of the positive sentiment. To automatically respond with jarring kindness when one raises their voice to disrespect and so on.
In all avenues to which one can be plain and blunt, ensure it is done only for contexts that are in dire need of direct communication and understanding from the parties involved. Doing so clears the air and allows the direct point to be transmitted. Lacking subtlety and nuance can often aide in many crises. Nuance has its place in many contexts of seduction and social tact and can sometimes do far more harm than expected. Blunt communication moves away from the risk of tonal and other more miniscule indicators of notion being lost in the receiver’s interpretation. The way in which we communicate comes with a great many number of tools, and it is imperative that one learns when and where to use them.
Amongst the playful environment of the optimist, is the opportunity that abounds from their mere dillydallying through the corridors of existence opening and knocking on each and every one that tickles their fancy. These doors could stay shut and bear zero fruit, or they could stay shut with the intention of opening the next time around. They could open with a large flourish too. The point is that the world is the oyster of the optimist, so long as they take the leap and keep the faith in their optimism and their creations. The optimist must believe in their confidence, for that is what creates their reality, and gives the energy to knock on all those doors. Do recall, it is a numbers game, and the game is won with volume.
This notion of setting ‘realistic’ goals and standards is the very cause of the lowered targets from the majority. Aim for the stars and should you miss, you’ll find yourself far higher than those that aimed for someplace on earth. Whether it is your decision to want so much more for yourself is up to you, there are many plagued by the drive to have so much before finding satisfaction in their life as a whole. Existential crises are then formed by the very notion of each day passing into the next while you think yourself stuck in the same. Or maybe you really wanted to visit one of those stars and fear it is out of reach now. The trick is to believe it yours and do actions as if so. That given a multi-million dollar lifestyle, you’d take better care of yourself, you’d do the tough work to ensure the fortune stays, you’d sit happier and far more satisfied as you continue to maintain the status quo of your wealth. Rather than the beat-up self-indicting method of always wanting and wanting and chasing and chasing. Work for the status quo, keep the feeling of it in mind and create it.
Reapplication of the decision matrix invokes a trial standard. Should the results produce less than ideal or desired, the following progression of the matrix is far more carefully adjusted and thoroughly tested. Too many trials with zero adjustment and the organism will reach to an extreme response in an effort to ‘break the mould’. This phenomenon is clearly translated through the myriad of the historical interpretations on the events of every moment of hyper-progression in the various races toward sovereignty and rule of the ultimate. Little does the organism discern that their trial and matrix are fixed to their own rule, and that the observation with pre-meditated notions of outcome directly affect the evidenced outcome entirely. To their own detriment they perpetrate and propagate all to that of which they despise and build all to which they allow themselves joy. When many speak of looking within, they speak to this.
Overwhelm is solved with focussing upon the current step and the next only. The journey of a thousand steps can be easily foiled should the traveller attempt to climb stairs while staring at the thousandth step. A cool faceplant and only a semblance of the trouble that would occur should they do the same with larger tasks beyond the analogy. You have an end in sight, you have a destination in mind, and that has been chosen by beginning along the path of these steps to reach the summit. Good, the destination is picked and now it is to walk the path, to climb the steps and focus on one foot in front of the other. You’ll be there faster than you’d think and that comes from being present in the process of doing the work and getting stuck in the journey. The overwhelm comes from a lack of direction, a larger notion of the stack of work that is yet to be done, better to look for the next slip of paper, the next bit of work and get the stack done that way.
Take the material achievements of the external as a reminder that and even greater is possible for you. Such perspective is only to the possibilities, that here is another for whom has capitalised on the opportunities that are available to you as well. Execution + expectant destination + faith in ‘how’ = every context one ever has to experience. You find limits only where you look for them, you find open space where you create it. Construction and collaboration with this world involves the decision to take extreme responsibility for yourself and everything to do with you. The context is your responsibility, the actions taken, and the outcome. To take extreme accountability is to accept your place as the propagator and perpetrator of every feeling, emotion, and outcome you get the pleasure of experiencing. Take gratitude in that and keep the faith.
Build the idea of ‘there’ and then focus on the ‘what’. Move away from this notion of ‘how’, “how this” and “how that” can occur, it is bringing your order to the universe up by several folds. The difference between, “I want a million dollars” and “I want a million dollars and I want it to happen this specific way” is from one request to over a hundred just to have it that way. Focus on the thing and do actions for it that can be seen. The current and next step is all that matters, one can see or have an idea of their destination and still allow the path to wind just as much as it likes. This then gears the mind to accept the solution and absolution of the notion from an area that could surprise it. Opportunity abounds, it is perspective that traps it. That is, the lack thereof.
Comfort can come in the simple assurance of discussion toward solutions, or in the simple existence of trust in a safe and often silent space. To hold someone, whether literally or with emotional space (often both) is to allow their expression to sit and simmer, allowing them to work with it and through it. Beginning with acknowledgement and then the acceptance of the chosen feeling. The emotional cycle must complete as to allow the stressors to process and solve themselves. After this, one can begin with the initial method of comfort. Where this process begins, and ends is naturally persona dependent. Here is it communication prior to any excessive event that allows caring parties to competently work with one another through their issues.
Cleaning up the common spaces of our time spent is a sure-fire way to clearing the clutter of the mind. Each object, or colour in view accompanies some amount of processing power and concentration. The more objects in view, especially objects of notability, the more one is given the opportunity to feel overwhelmed. It would then follow that the most minimalistic appearance a room intended for work or relaxation is, the better one will be to have a clear head and a simple task. Less is more rings far truer in this context. Often many pile up with stuff in an attempt to hold onto the past so tightly, or the sentimentality of these moments and events. There are many occasions in which these possessions are justified and well, in those instances see where they can be moved. Out of the mind’s eye, for these spaces at least. Otherwise, look at them and see that a bulk of it is waste and wasted space, deal with accordingly.
To long for another is to simply sit with a space in which their presence accentuates existence. Where their energy adds only to the better elevation of one’s soul. Where they sit afar, having been bestowed the key that allows us to feel all those big and beautiful things for ourselves. Given emotion or feeling as a choice, one can extrapolate that all that is felt is our decision, and that there is zero to do with being ‘made’ to feel a certain way. We are only provided with the opportunities to feel in any way. So, when one finds a pattern of choosing to feel better around specific people. It is then rather comforting to know that all of the happiness, joy, and love, and so on is merely our inner-self-expression being allowed to flourish in an external circumstance. It is always there, always possible, we have simply placed it upon another.
The mind that produces has been found! Yes, it’s cracked! The secret is… a decided mind! One’s performance is as much their decisions as is their circumstances of nutrients and other body-mechanical factors. Where a poor diet would lead the mind to lean toward a less productive state, the decision still remains entirely up to the potential action taker. Productivity then, is the conscious decisions to continue to move forward, even if it involves agonisingly doing so, many await the fabled motivation to come to their rescue, to their demise. Motivation comes from action, from doing something. So keep doing something and get going.
In all things feasible, do as to your principles. A duty to self is a duty to one’s principles, upon which they would hopefully have had included within their upbringing, else it is to their duty to seek out the better principles as for how they can navigate life. To be swayed by the whims and desires of the toddler, child, or teenager is to be held reactive to the reality of any situation. The adult works through life with their guiding principles, doing each thing purely to the declaration of their principles and little else more. Where desire is curbed by the principle of right and wrong, where the elderly are aided in their walk purely because it is the right thing to do by one’s principles and less to the transactional notion of looking good for doing good. Actions with principles and intention to do right by them are the making of an adult maturity complex.
The word as our bond is one of the most commonplace uses of some ‘mystical’ contract. Above all other practices, it is the most well looked after ethical must have other than ‘thank you’. The ability to keep your word exactly as you had promised it, is the marking of a better person, respectable and honest to the extent of the dependable. So, in this contract there must be entities of the mind, to which one can ask for, and or ultimately accept the bond with its exact parameters. Using this, many could attempt to twist their word toward their job, or work contracts, education etc. The bond is person to person, such that the outcome of which is significantly important to that person and hence they will see it through. This notion of binding to one’s cooperate, or educational undertaking is far removed from the initial contract. These non-entity relationships are this way for a reason and use the ‘law’ for that very same reason. Owing each other, next to zero.
Ridicule is a potent demonstrator. Likened to that of water in the homemade bucket of our mind, the leaks show. Our largest lacks in security are found in our reactionary or potent retaliation to criticism. If one were completely secure in their state upon that which they receive ridicule, then such open judgment would be left stirring in its own pot. So, if such vehement forces push up on your rational state, take that as the sign to dig deeper in meditation and fix those leaks. One can only bring out the decision for you to bring out only that which is within you. That anger? That rage? That hurt? That embarrassment? All you, your decision, and of that which had been better hidden until tugged in that moment. Such adversity strives to grow us. Afterall, a stranger pointing out a leak in your bucket is kind to have noticed.
To the various contexts in which one may have their work reviewed or critiqued, remember that you know your own work better, and that one speaks under the guise that you listen. Many know the state of their work, they know it is well and good and whether it can be significantly improved upon. Some may even go so far as to stress that their work defies the imagination of the reviewer and would hence be treated as garbage. Within all scopes of understanding, it matters more how you perceive your growth in your work. The reviewer can have any opinion they please, such is formed within the absence of fact. Take criticism that serves your progression, coming from another persona that has something in that field to which you’d like to have too, here is where you take criticism. The fool becomes when they take advice from the fool.
Comfort in wisdom is only as effective as the openness of the listener. Seldom is that listener the speaker, while it could be said they are who need head themselves the most. Ask any of the afflicted in addiction what it is they must do to get better, and they’ll tell you. Very minimal hesitation is speaking on the ideal, the direct opposite when applying toward it. This is why journaling is so powerful, to allay one’s own words to themselves as if a stranger had recorded this for them is to allow the mind to dissolve the bated breath that is holding onto every minor, almost trivial, thing that has occurred. Expression toward the material is the ending cycle for the majority of all actions and feelings within existence, journaling is much the same.
When faced with the prediction that one will lack energy in the near future, it is better to deal with the tedious or rather taxingly creative tasks first and foremost. By handling the must-be-done’s early in the day, one allows themselves the sweet embrace of sleep and rest possibly several hours in advance. Denying the stress of the rush to finish the last few things while caring more to rest instead. Just as one is better to execute on the past decisions that were made out of tilt, they are better equipped to execute early and allow the smaller and easier tasks to use the little energy probably left.
Lower ticket products can easily turn a larger profit at scale. The price of the ticket matters little in the way that the ticket itself and the perceived risk does. One could have a product that is worth far more than the price listed, it is merely new or poorly sold and hence has a greater perceived risk to the purchase. In this instance, one would need to lower the barrier of entry in order to pick up the volume of sales or improve the copy/sales script to lower the risk. One is far simpler than the other, and the pricing can fluctuate as you pinpoint the perfect pricing for the product. Once that is hit, focus on building lots of volume in sales while focussing on sales, and if necessary, raise the price to match the new offer. Many like to lock themselves in with one notion of price or allow ego to get in the way of selling a five-dollar product ten thousand times over a thirty-dollar product a thousand times. Adjust and play with the values until you get the perfect middle for your enterprise.
If one is to suffer, then it is at the bearing of their expectations and creation of that. If one is to feel into that suffering, then it is their duty to ensure they only suffer once for that context. The grips of anxiety and worry provide a path to the forced pessimist, one for whom sits in constant defence to the whims of reality and hence provides the stimulus to continue within it. To persevere while acknowledging the existence of the ailment aides in the ailment to continue in pertaining to you. So then, how does one move past it and less acknowledge it? Simply imagine life with the brilliance of splendour, focus on exactly what you’d do and how you’d feel and simply imagine it all together. Focussing on the abundance of good, and less that abundance of good due to the lack of some thing. Focussing on lack means to acknowledge the lack of lack in the first place. Who would note on that which is so beyond their domain to exist? Little do people arrive to a sunny day after consistent days of sun and note on the lack of thunderstorms and tornados.
Sometimes the victory is found when suffering a loss, minor or otherwise. To play better than you ever had before, to speak or write to a degree far greater than previously experienced. These can occur in contexts of loss too, some of the best sport ever played came out when their team was losing. Whether the comeback is assured matters little, what does matter is your progress, skill, and new heights achieved. Artisans do it for the craft, the losses are part of the game of learning to be better. Each step brings one further in their journey of mastery. Hold steady in your practice, and build with the expectation of success, for in that, you’ll already have it.
Volume moves opportunity to reality. Rejection would be then the marker of completing volume. The more doors one opens, the better one can co-create. The mere acknowledgment of the existence begets the possibility for a new path in which one can find. Think of opening conduits for a chain lightning, the more possible paths it can move upon, the better it is. Co-creation requires an initial acknowledgement before it can begin, this is less to dive into every possible relationship that could bear fruit, and more to make those subtle connections and begin having your name seen somewhere for something.
Age begets the wisdom of more to explore. As we have spent more time within a thing, a context, a place, or a stimulus of some form we begin to recognise that new stimulus is necessary, that there is more to do with our time and more to challenge and learn from. This coupled with the societal pressures of what one does with themselves to fulfill economic attractions leads the childhood to become the adulthood of moving away and spending time with something else. These experiences could largely involve new people, personas differing from the ones you call home. The distance is next to zero in terms of connection. These persons that have shaped and built your roots are always expressed through you in some form, with you in some way, and energetically as near as your next breath of fresh air. Their connection can be maintained through the usual channels and even then, meeting every once in a while, to catch up on months or years between is to create and continue to build upon such a beautiful kinship. The camaraderie of ol’ lessens to the extent that its members forget, picking up and continuing on with one another through this life is far easier and better than many even dare hope to realise.
So, in the heat of battle, whatever that context may trickle down to, ensure that your shortcomings are kept as a reminder for the next time. There is little use in repeating the same issue or obstacle once more when you have been granted the ability to learn from it. Should one find themselves trapped and surrounded they would be better to keep themselves as the optimist. That they may look for solution and revel in the feasibility of all things as all things are possible. Certainty is remiss bar itself, and for that one may find that their fortune changes at the tellers’ whim. Be your own teller and speak to that which you are.
The meek may inherit the earth, it is the bold for whom hold it in their hands. The pessimist is at the whim of the universe, reactionary to the context, ever so wondering what will happen to them next. The optimist is the better nature, they aspire with the universe, radical to create the context, ever so conspiring on what will happen for them next. Which serves better? Which provides a foundation that allows gentle progress, a better outlook on this step and the next? Both may share the end-vision, one has a far better time taking each step, thinking, and viewing the wonder of the scenery. The pessimist holds themselves to prevail in their plight. That it may continue onto them for so long as they acknowledge it to be as such. The positive outlook of expectation for your actions to create context is one of the most potent forces for intentional change. How does one move from reactionary to radical? They meditate and detach from the current context and moment. Reset the plate and begin anew.
So, expectation is paradoxical. Why expect it if you already have it? And if you have it, why would you expect it? Yet to have it, one must operate with the confidence, faith, and execution with expectation for it. So how does one operate through the paradox? Is it to expect it or is to expect it to act in accordance to having it. Faith in the promise of its existence. Knowledge of the better nature that manifests itself through your movements in this field we call life. Begin to operate as an optimist, one so brilliant they lack all rationality. Believe the execution and believe in your vision, that of paradise. Lose the conceptions of the exact road to get there. Focus on this step, and the next, let the path wind and build by itself. Besides, when you are at that further off step, you’ll still be right on that ‘this’ step, and the next. Apply the system, you got this.
Operate under the passages that lack certainty. Accept that all exists and flows in a field of energy. Whatever worldview you subscribe to, this is the final form of thought that is found. Where our spiritual and energetic beings find as decisions for the material context is hence expressed through a material manner. Energy in motion, or emotion, is hence the discussion of material expression as direct result of energetic movement, or a drift across the consciousness. To accept the expanse is to work across it. There is less in reducing the material to expressions of consciousness than there is to decide upon something so utterly defined and lacking thereof. Between the finite is greater expanses than that to which is between the final.
When providing support to another at their discretion, be prepared to face their wrath. Those most in need usually come equipped with the best projectors ever seen. Projection during strife is common for those who find themselves irritable and/or seldom accept extreme responsibility for themselves. To lack responsibility in these moments is to choose to feel a certain way and hence fill the need of blaming that feeling on something external. A far easier method than to accept their responsibility in the context in the first place! Most in need of help, especially emotionally, also conform to the most to learn about wielding their emotions healthily. There is only a fool for who is surprised at bite back when feeding with open hands. Be wary of it, and most of all pay it zero heed. Fastest way to show a better way is to lack reaction in the initial grab for abdication.
When one is nearing sleep, their functions seem likened that of a quiet drunk. Existing with life in slow motion with a slower reaction to it. These states are intriguing in the way that one can peer into the thinner veils of the psyche when it is under the stress of sleep pressure only. Where other substances provide a body working overtime to keep itself alive, sleep merely expresses the persona in a far calmer state (calm in fight or flight). In these moments, take note upon on the impulses and behaviour of the subject, it could provide a greater insight to their self in turmoil.
Support comes in many forms, and sometimes that form is simply providing the comfort of another’s existence for them. Silence speaks volumes and if that act is what is needed simply, then the best thing you can do for them is to oblige. To whatever extent we like it, more often people know exactly what kind of support they need. That inherent knowing is of an intuitive intelligence, where one surrenders to their emotional plight and finds themselves with answers for support, the issue is then how does one express it rationally while in such a feeling state. Do the best you can to support them, it is part of the network and one of the highest callings as a friend and companion in this existence. Sign up to have their good, their bad, and their ugly. Worthy of any one of those three, so long as they include the other two.
To scream into the abyss of all one’s suppression is to finally express and complete even a fraction of the emotional cycles that had been blocked. What many can take for a panic attack or otherwise highly dramatic (and thought negative) emotional outburst, is more so letting some steam out of the kettle, lessening the pressure on the cranium. This is well worth its time, to scream it all out until one is back at empty, to then continue with their life healthily expressing their emotions through the cycle of feeling to acceptance to understanding to expression. Where many block from acceptance, choosing to believe the lie of stoicism in the feeling. The core difference of such principle is how every dividual has a voluntary choice to feel a certain way, upon choosing that and feeling that they now get to complete the cycle. Dangerous, how simple a core tenet is lost to a people wishing to lack feeling.
Such is the admiration and quiet vindication of a mother watching her child grow and succeed. Whether that success is measured by aim into a bowel or career football, it is the smaller objectives of parenthood that construct the sweetened memories of old. Way back when and how about then all become friends when one begins that fleeting conversation with their parent. Treasure the moments you’ve spent and treasure the moments going forward. Whether to explain a cool story about grandma or grandpa to the new generation or to be there to laugh when they dramatize yours to another. All is well in the spark of humanity that serves itself on principle. Be wise to remember that.
So, when one finds an inclination of tidings that speak of the next events. Sit wary in them and seldom find surprise when they go as expected. After so long alive, one begins to see the tropes of life. Less to the divine foresight, and more to the expectation of patterns to do as patterns do, continue. People operate just like you, with self fulfilling prophecies that annihilate the notions they have for the prophecy itself. Kill the beast and win the day, or die trying with expectation to do so. Both are possible at any moment, it is you who decides through your conscious and subconscious patterning. Luckily the former imprints the later, should they choose to use it.
To-do lists have their place. It is important to remind oneself that overwhelm comes from minding so many tasks at once. A To-do list is meant to provide the next step on which to focus and execute on. The issue is when one looks at the next step and the next 10-15 other tasks for the day. Be mindful in this, it may be worthwhile to copy the next step to a separate blank document and swap it out. That way the task is done with focus and the opportunity for overwhelm is made far scarcer. Continue in your exploits and recognise that much like a video game, one must have a certain level of experience, XP, and be a certain level before they can tackle larger monsters and objectives. This applies to to-do lists also, those that find burn out are far more often attempting to attack a level 70 to-do list while they are level 30. So, what happens? Some damage is done (as in objectives completed), and the to-do list ultimately wins. Work your way up. You’ll get there.
So, prepare. Ensure the plan has the best chance of cleanly executing by preparing each step and the executor themselves (you) along the way. Do so with a careful eye for what is needed within each step. There is little harm in the extra effort of sourcing a backup plan and the materials for both A and B. In this preparation, remind yourself that the better plan C is to train for adaptability, train for improvisation, and train for execution of those. For the plan may go out the window, so at the very least learn how to roll out on the landing. There is often a better plan borne of your half-mistaken one, dive with it.
There are some opportunities and projects that one can find themselves exposed to that serve as a means of entertainment with a bonus far before becoming the whole exploit. These projects serve for a catharsis, to remain in the act of doing and creating as to beget more creation and doing. Should the entertainment provide a possible windfall or otherwise benefit beyond the catharsis, then even better. Win-win is the ideal circumstance of the universe, within co-creation this is seen. Where the service to others serves us in our living and breathing. When given the opportunity for a win-win, take it. For such will return and compound far more than ten-fold.
The bridges we build between relationships hold upon ourselves a better understanding of boundaries and supports that bring two people at crossroads. Where the arches of a bridge can be likened to shared memories and comradery, and the narrow shoulders and sides of the bridge as the boundaries of one’s communion with another. These structures of rapport and trust serve to represent a larger network, where each bridge is between islands, and through each one can experience and travel to many others. This is the power of a network. Whether it is a support network, wealth network, or a hobby network, these interconnected states of being provide the ultimate crossroads in which many can learn of many more. Leverage your network and do well to treat it well.
When faced with a blockage, stay resting in action. Whether a block serves as an obstacle to something or merely the apparent lack of flow into another medium, keep momentum through switching tasks. Action and movement beget action and movement and as such, one would be better served switching to another set of actions in the meantime than to allow such obstacle to stop us in our paths completely. If the art is taking longer than ideal to manifest, then go off and do chores, or other objectives for the day and come back with even more momentum to hit the block with. Use other actions as the run up to beget a breakthrough. Sitting still from an obstacle serves the obstacle only. There is plenty more to be done and that can be done before even coming to the opportunity of stillness via an obstacle. Keep moving.
In all contexts and events, one is faced with an outcome dependent upon their training and skill to navigate to their desired outcome. Such that one is only as safe as they have trained to be, and only as skilled as they have decided upon. These decisions in the form of actions that provoke such learning. So, when many discuss involvements with other dividuals and preaching to turn the criminal element to a minimal through education and so on, they run amiss on that the solution is two prong. Teach the criminal element to be better and provide better contexts for their children and do better in teaching the average civilian to defend themselves from such elements. By the intention of the criminal in the first place, they have forgone the notion of betterment and skilful excellence, they have decided to take another option. If only to choose one, choose to train every son and daughter to fend assailants and criminals in all shapes and forms, for such element is far better quashed when the number of potential victims goes down to a minimum as well.
There is something to be said for productivity when surrounded by an office of one or more doing work. The best part of this air is that both dividuals can be both the influencer and the influenced by this. Bound by some social notion of working and hence lowering the resistance (or activation energy) to doing productive action. It is easier to do work when surrounded by others also doing work. Whether to speak of mirror neurons or other brain terminology, the end of the day displays this simple idea that it is easier to do boring work when doing so with company. Such company to which can be doing separate boring work while stilling providing a mutual stimulus to continue and succeed. Then a reminder, to work in the same room as another if possible. Mutual office spaces capitalise from this rather well, and there is an obvious reason for it.
Given a confidence in the thought process and reasoning behind in one’s decision, it can be far more prudent to dabble in leading others to make the same decision through a means as organic as you yourself have taken to realise it also. This method servers a special form of leadership to which speaks a higher volume of trust your team to give such decisions away seemingly in their hands. This method and others prey on the security that many dividuals feel when their authority treats them near equal. It is this minor power-play that serves a parenting context in fuelling adequate conditions for a better child to prosper also. Leading can be leading into solution that is given by the team you led, rather than simply giving the answer bluntly and simply.
Be the active participant in your present and life. Active as in to do service with a smile when it comes to serving the next obstacle or action for your day. Held only to your own standard of excellence, and standard of lifestyle, it is your duty to construct the basis to which your participation (showing up) is measured with every other day of the same need. If you have a better standard of showing up, then you’ll show up better far more often than they whom hold little to zero standard. This matters to the extent that a purposeful existence matters, to that your notion of life matters. Whatever you have decided to be here for, the standard can be high anyway. The point is that whatever it is you get up to, do so with a smile and do so with a standard of being present in the moment.
So, in our service to others, do well to remember what is yours to aide in, where is your place? The puzzle is far less gratifying and learning if the solution is so willingly given or spoiled. The same applies for humans working through objectives, aide when asked, and ask to aide, to aide without permission on a trivial obstacles (as to pertain to something other than immediate physical danger, and even then) is to pay a major component in moving that dividual away from their independence and trust. Aide when and where you can, that is you are allowed to. It is at the warrant of the dividual for whom has the task under their care, to encroach upon it is to step toward emotional turmoil, what use is the fortifying journey, if every monster, obstacle, and shrub has been pre-beaten by another of whom was seldom asked?
When one finds themselves injured and paired with less mobility, it is easy and simple to accept help for most. To allow such support and care from those around or to even go out of our way and ask for it. Why else? If we lack the acumen to do the thing ourselves, then we are given the option out of necessity to bring another dividual into the fold. See within these injuries one can find rather plainly how willing, open, and plentiful those around them are to aide. Given the consistent tragedy of lacking in such a support network it seems rather ironic to that in these cases the person in question had neglected help and decided to do it all themselves all up until the point in which they really needed it. Humans are wired to co-create such that in our service to others we beget happiness and fulfillment, that in our ability to aide each other in the journey we take, in giving a boost here and there to climb and camber over the obstacles of another’s path, we find real camaraderie. Help is less a sign of weakness and the lack of acumen, and more so the willingness to engage in the happy tradition of co-creation.
Productivity begets rest. Vision begets sleep. Journey begets stillness. From the same token that discusses the paradoxical nature of being ‘there’ as always being ‘here’, as in here within the moment. Each moment has its stillness, and these all makeup the journey. Then, one would always be in the here, the new and now, and for that one must endeavour to ensure their mental acumen aides them in the moment. One has the moment to kick the football in which their action is productive, else if they were to be constantly looking at the ball toward the goal, then they have missed the action-moment. By being here, one is always present to execute on an action-moment. Vision then garnered by looking down at the very next step, oh for how soon one would stumble and fall if climbing such grand steps while staring above and off into the distance.
Space from the obstacle affords perspective and perspective garners a greater imagination for solution. Obstacle serves as a poignant reminder that one has more to do and more to grow within. To live with zero obstacles is less than living at all, for if one has zero objectives and zero effort or hardship, then the lethargy likens the lack of movement to that of a corpse. Rest and laze, where one brings heights of future action and the other sits another in the haze of self-affliction. To move less is to move closer to death, maintenance is improvement. A reminder that these obstacles are your best friends and biggest supporters in the journey to your vision. Zero vision? Go make one.
Careful Reason and discussion provide the opportunity for co-creation. To express one’s parameters to a new grouping of people within future contexts is to expand the possibility of fruition and achievement. Many choose to immediately overshare for this, to provide so much information that many overload and hence shut down upon any further aide. To discuss parameters is to bestow upon another a deadline or specific objective within the context to which you have set your expectations to reach, for many this is enough, and if one is to ask for more information then give it to the depth of their questioning. Oversharing can become likened to pouring out the cup of the very energy we use to achieve that thing in the first place. Talking about it gives a little kick of yay chemicals, doing it gives back more yay chemicals and the reality of it itself.
So, celebrate the small victories and tread carefully in moving away from the sensations of minor achievement. The small wins build the foundation for the big wins, and as it so comes down to it, each win must be celebrated in some sense. To reinforce one’s expectations of their own ability and journey to the very least. Such enforcement serves to stack the pile of evidence in your favour, many doors open at the behest of one’s ability to ask and convince. What more is a hammer to a carpenter than confidence to a salesman? Use these victories to this effect at the very least. For even the most minute connections with a field of co-creation can spawn forth the very grandeur of the vision you have in mind. So far as the eye can see, and the mammal breathe, could the man conquer so long as he remained with vision.
Synthesise greatness through the smaller expectations and concordant actions of the moment. Synthesise action and influence through the positive gearing of one’s communications. To a sub conscious that hears only the positive of a sentence, it is to little wonder as to how such self-defamation and flack provides habitual suffering to the future identity for which they pray for healing. Your responsibility that is, to the patterns of thought and consequent action from the very statements you repeat. Hold fast in how you discuss yourself, speak positively, with a gearing to the positive future through a lexicon of expectation. Such as ‘yet’, ‘working on’, etc. In communications adjust the negative contractions into the constructive statements that provoke a shift in the psyche for change. The mind chooses the easiest solution by default, and will reuse solutions it has already formed before, by giving the mind a simple solution of if X then do Y it can default to that far better than giving a negatively geared statement of Booleans that it then gets to sort into a solution. The less effort required for change, the sooner such change occurs.
So, within the obfuscation of the simple and rather trivial matters of the heart and mind, many find themselves complicating their perceptions of an obstacle purely as to cope with the timespan taken to solve and overcome it. If it has taken such time, effort, and energy, then it must be complex? Or else would one face the notion that they had something to learn? Or do they instead choose the notion of lacking in their intellectual capacity to blame? To bear responsibility for their troubles they find the urge to complicate them to themselves, only then is such an ailment acceptable. Set it back to the barebones once more, cut through the layers of lies and self-deceit (justification) and find the once more simple and trivial problem. Little to how any persons feel within a context or circumstance, the outcome is more often the amicable compromise to the context moving forward that matter far more than how one has felt in the past regarding it. Dumb it back down to the simplicity it is.
Innocence then is to speak of one’s capacity for extreme imposition of will, begotten by their past possibly, and more to the steeled resolve of the dividual at hand. Does the capacity for evil bring one to the table of justice? That in the removal of their ability to impose their will, their actor is justified? To stomach such actions against another becomes far less beyond reproach when they have a capacity for will and lack such innocence. The lack of certainty in the possibility for their actions that drives one’s justifications to lie in their better interest. The capacity for action and will provides only the dividual a spark to form a well of change, to bring about change as all do.
Afflicted with a burden one the responsibility to choose and the responsibility to have. To have an effort of some kind at any stage of life, some direction that connects these seemingly isolated moments into a cohesive head canon that works to display your rise to the achievement of such chosen effort. It is an adventure, so long as it remains chosen as one. The part of the adventure that makes it an adventure is the journey, and for all tired with such cliché, it comes time you recognise that the common sayings of many yield their meaning so obviously. Society speaks of these cliché answers while disposing of them when they hold wisdom for many things. The repetition of greatness would move itself out of the very sensitisation that chose to deliver it as such in the first place.
So if one can, provide the opportunity to others in the matter that it only overflows from your cup. This pot of energy that you cultivate through various happenings and habits that allow one the space to make decisions that construct the basis for applied effort. Many choose to pour their cup out, and leave little for themselves. It feels rather counter-productive in one’s mission to help their fellows when their method provides a greater obstacle to have more energy to help them in the first place. Overflowing is better, it is how one can bring one up to their level of effort and love. Little to any matter on taking ‘too much’ as what is too much of the overflow? It lacks the capacity for hurt, and hence allows thankless aide. Share through overflow.
Treasure the company of simple action and that of favourable winds. The very elements that construct ‘boredom’ provide such freedom in a context moved. Nostalgia and this pattern recognised by a displacement of time provide a comfort, whether of winds gone by or to the notion that one’s lack of discernment painted a pretty picture. The current you builds the fixed past for the future you, from that one has two considerations with their present moment. Firstly, accepting all that has come before and then secondly to move in accordance to the enjoyment and diligence of the next moment. Presently moving to aide the next present and so on.
Flack for failure is a great method to continue such failure. Does expending more energy in a stern self-talking to, actually aide in achieving the very thing one is giving themselves flack for? The act is done, the day maybe won, and if otherwise then that too is done. Do what you can with what remains and set yourself up for success in the next set of time given. Sometimes it is to let one day pass into slumber so that one has a better capacity to learn and achieve again. These notions of such negativity, such benign states that illicit only the continuance of the very thing that presented the opportunity for such negativity in the first place, they trap one within a cycle. A cycle of servitude to the very thing that you despise yourself for. The more energy spent away from the actions that require it to succeed, the more flack one would bestow upon themselves, meaning the less energy they have to do those actions to… So, switch it up, sit accepting and loving in yourself. To bestow loving care for the time and to do the next best thing if it serves better in the timeframe. Sometimes it is to be left for another day.
All in its due time. Or rather, or all in its expected time. Tried and found to be common, the volume of effort, effectively directed effort, beats luck. These rejections one may find along the way are simply a reminder that given even the smallest fraction of success, one can bring that up by simply increasing the number of opportunities for success. Expect it and apply it, the execution at scale is what makes the difference between talent and success, and merely talent.
The vulnerability one is willing to express is directly proportional to the opportunities and achievements they find. The more recognisable the identity, the sooner, and better these opportunities appear. Vulnerability is the centrepiece to many adventures, that of love, passion, greed, wealth, and so on. It is clear that in order for the largest of chances and paths, one must be willing to expose themselves to the obstacles along the way. The quiet warrior get only so far before the power of co-creation trumps the exploits solo. Simply put, if one is vulnerable to a degree that they are then franchised with the ability to co-create, they will reach immense heights.
Expectation derives the same self-fulfilling prophecy as that of habit. For one’s construction of true expectation is found from their investment in habit. Expectation can be found as the average sentiment of our thoughts. So to extend our actions and intentions with expectation, we must hold a majority share of thoughts toward that outcome. Reminding ourselves that such outcome is possible by applying a simple framework likened to the saying, “par for the course”. Such as would follow in our execution of outcome, such as if one expects to be fit and strong. Then it would follow they train for it. These actions coupled with this will and knowledge that it is already done and you are merely doing the steps to such outcome, solves to bring one to a here where they are in that which they made.
Then, it is merely the well and good company that makes something bearable. That in the conjoined and mutual suffering under obstacle or spectacle, so that at the very least one is seen and heard. This lack of loneliness provides a foundation that reaches even greater heights of achievement, of enjoyment. Given that all that is felt in a group is merely our expression to ourselves based upon criteria, this group adventure painful or otherwise is a reminder of the love we can express to ourselves through and to others.
Sometimes deviations from the execution of vision are necessary in achieving the vision. This is less a notion to allow one to procrastinate, and more so a stress on the need for rest and space. Most notably in creative pursuits where forcing the solution precedes a worse solution. Space from an obstacle, as in the act of affording a new perspective is highly useful in tackling it. This ‘space’ can come from doing something completely different, something as simple as going out and enjoying yourself, exercising, anything that promotes a lack of lethargy while being different. The brain works on problems in the background while doing other tasks, this is why inspiration strikes, and how solutions can just hit you in the shower. So, remember to take some space every so often, and get after that vision.
So here lies the key to self-love: realise your capacity to love anything and everything external, is a mere reflection of your love for yourself. In those friends, in pets, in family, in food, in materials, if you can love it, then you are really loving yourself. Passion expressed to yourself through a trust in the external, given the point that we choose our emotions, means that we apply that feeling of love to ourselves by ourselves. The difference is that we have a mostly hidden criteria for what we ‘require’ to happen before we extend that love to the self. So that leaves a couple options, we could invite all those external carriers in to fill up the room with plenty of opportunity for self-love or adjust the criteria and love yourself for simply being. All are worthy of that, whatever this plane says to otherwise.
Be prepared to face resistance when working toward a better outcome. Even in sales, the customer may hold their own blocks while wanting to take that deal. It is discussing the possible downfall that we may solve the map to greatness, that in preparing for the worst-case scenario, we can apply ourselves with the utmost conviction from a place of confidence optimism. Optimism is realism, for reality is as you choose to perceive it. One can sit prepared for something and operate at a level greater than it, there is a message behind the meaning for ‘last resort’. Too many hold the last resort with them at all times, and so many crumble as they look down in hesitation, narrowly missing the mark with only their conviction to blame. Take responsibility, create actionable preparations, and then serve your expectation of the better outcome, of that vision, with optimism and well thought execution.
The personal and professional capacities of a dividual is the literal allegory to the notion of the persona. Such actions that are well received in the personal and barred worse within the professional capacity and vice versa. These capacities display how we can contextualize the actions and intentions of others and ourselves, that the objective is so easily adjusted when the subject has it’s capacity shifted too. What is commendable in one, is flippant and less desirable in the other. Notice these shifts and recognise the same is found in any extra capacity and persona, that the part to play comes with its own set of rules, values, and principles and that from there, one is judged.
Seed the ideas of your thinking in your actions. Sit as the pariah to your principles, the ultimate display of your better character. While the few rile the crowds with the false connotations of the political poet, you stay true to your ideals and as your testament grows, so does the weight of such a course of being. The path may hold less feet, this means little in its extravagance. As humble as the first step of many, and as enduring as the last, you can be the change by simply being you. Many hold the strength; it is only a compass and a scroll that they get to find. The conviction to forge monuments on the way to your way of journeys. For even if it all goes so ‘objectively’ amiss, what little could be said for your tendency to give up, to give in, to let it go haphazardly. What more could be spoken for your intentional being, your actions derived from discernment, and your execution of such ideals. Pity the fool who stays put, applaud the dreamer that walks.
Sluggish? Slow? Constantly choosing to feel a large resistance to movement? Well, the motivation you seek is really a synonym for momentum, and the best part about that definition is how it implies previous movement, acceleration, velocity, the works. Momentum exists after movement has occurred and allows for movement to be increased serving as a platform, so if motivation is equal, then action must derive motivation. Then, it is by doing stuff that we continue to want to do stuff and hence continue the doing of stuff. So, in these moments of lethargy, pick a baby step and just do stuff. Brushing your teeth for ten seconds beats zero, and as you do all these small things you’ll garner more momentum and soon the baby step is a bigger step, relatively of course.
Many find themselves stressing over the very thing they have decided to do as a break from the constant stress cycle they have chosen for themselves. You can go into the city, or land in that country with little clue as to what you shall do, and whether one is with company, so long as they have a room to sleep in by the end of the day, allow the world to flourish for you. Explore and walk and merely see what is up. Why must it all be planned? Do you wish to see how a citizen would wander the city? Then do so. To minimalize a place and people down to a few items and monuments is a sure-fire way of missing the point. To explore.
Preposterous to believe any different than that which serves the better most ultimate good. Why limit yourself? Why decide upon something lacking rationality and die on the hill of its protection? To that in which many lose when defending the very ideas of themselves that hold them back. Move toward the other side, it would be better to say you love yourself for zero reason at all, than the alternative. If one is prone to the consistent lack of rationality, then break the ethos just once and choose to lack it for causes far better for your outcome. The confidence is backed by evidence, and you get that evidence through acting confident, a catch 22 that is caught when you see the two is too real to refrain. Firstly, choose a better victory with zero reasoning as to why, and secondly, keep that faith.
You propose how you keep the faith and still you hold yourself lower in the face of perceived loss! Faith is tested in the moments where the evidence for It seems more and more bleak. So how do we keep the faith? By doing it like discipline, every day regarding only its due. How one has chosen to feel must be made separate, the faith is held in the feeling, in the air of expectation and with that, all else flows. So as you keep the inner peace of the heart, extend the trust of your soul in knowing that something works out because many works inline to build it. Co-creation is key.
Many project themselves in a message that is more often received as a personal attack. What one may find when delving to the source of the shadow (projection) on the wall, is that many merely complicate their own deep-seated narcissism with slightly adjusted beliefs that agree with the current social pretence. Sit and dissect the motives of those upon your context, for the ignorant lash out with next to zero clue as to why. What one allows to ignorance they are at the whim of.
So make good on your payments, and well on your debts. There is a well world to whom guards one, and ensures the character of the other. Through these moments of weakness or added support, it can become easier to owe work to someone for whom may abuse it. The humble traveller knows he is fit for most paths, it is the act of the wise to pick a few. The word you give must be your bond, even if it Is given to evil. That bond is the value of all more that can be solved diplomatically.
Finally, it is held that in a perspective independent of time, all happens at once. It is merely the self-constrained that move forward through a volume less than seen. To this cause, we can liken the volume of time to matter as a block of water or the ocean, to which one is swimming through. As possibilities come and go like tides and the shape of the block shifts in a loop, each molecule of each drop as a moment in time that makes up the entire shape. Any displacement of water due to our swimming doing only to be reversed eventually. As all happens at once, all holds itself true at once.
So, in the theological state of the spiritual incantation of self, the identity is formed from a physical matter regardless of any change, and when the form is of energy only, a change in identity renders any past action-consequence bond as moot. Hence spiritual characters share little with death and rather hold far more with a new energy complex. When an entity is given a new name, it is a new energy. As opposed to the human form to which the soul inhabits, the soul stays same as a signature, should the body change in name or stature.
The ability to lengthen the time between stimulus and response changes the response (if any) from a re-action, as in a reply-action, to an action. Where one can be said to be of direct consequence immediately, the other can be signalled as its own event. The inception of new consequence rather than the outcome as consequence. Action is ideal, re-action is how many have fallen swiftly. It is the treasure of choice, to sit idle as the world rages around, working so determinately to upset and provoke you. The key is to be the eye of the storm, to take action when you discern it necessary.
Held then, are our emotions. If one can control the emotional outcome of another, they have the power of trauma and elation upon that dividual. It is only the ignorant that allow their emotions to be chosen for them, upon realising that the dividual is only presented with the opportunity for an emotion, that they can make the time between stimulus and action-response longer and longer. That they can choose the path neutrality. It is then that these cultural traumas and practices become something better, a path for mastery through competition alone.
Such machinations of sport have been seen throughout history and serve to stimulate the conqueror nature of man and allow it to flourish through the mastery of a medium other than the violent practices of old. Competition fuels the cultural trauma of tribal war, specifically through using the same emotional set. The exact context of an event or practice means next to zero when compared to the emotional context of the thing itself. If one could place another in a empty room and trigger the emotional set of childbirth, it would be as practically synonymous to the thing itself. Hence the experience of reality works with feeling above material, something more spiritual, as seen by many and spoken of by a few.
Given the backing a cultural trauma many abstractions can become prevalent, running with a smaller game that precedes the same emotional output is common way of subtly expressing these practices. Whether the practices sit ideal to the societal complex is less the issue. The phenomenon of using games to construct these cultural parallels, especially in trauma can be vital in healing the rather catastrophic outcome while still providing the stimulus of action in a smaller respect. This can be seen where humans outsource to things such as sport or competition in a replacement for genuine war.